Category Archives: 3rd Generation: Cloudberry

Chapter 3-21: Finis III

There was an investigation, of course, but it was perfunctory and brief.  I was surprised at how fast Citron turned on his stepfather, and at the tales he had to tell of Sharp’s brutish behavior. Why hadn’t he come to me about it?


As quickly as he cast of one stepfather, he clung to a second. Lemon and I were married in a quiet, private ceremony at my home, out of the public eye, and Citron loved him immediately.

One of the main reasons we were holding it privately was that we had a little surprise on the way. Yes, I was pregnant with my third child. Fears swirled in my mind. Was it Lemon’s…or Sharp’s? The timing was right for it to be either…but I never voiced my fears to Lemon.

Soon enough, it was time for another birthday for my boys.

Latte went from sweet toddler to bright, happy child.

And Citron? My moody boy became an even moodier teenager. I remember when he was a cute, happy toddler. Oh well…

Then, the time came. My newest baby was on the way.

She was a little girl with pastel yellow skin. Honeysuckle Dulce, my sweet Honey. I didn’t dare to think that just because she hadn’t inherited Sharp’s intense hue, she was Lemon’s daughter. My fears still swirled. What if Honey’s father was my now-dead husband? What would that mean for my family..?

My fears clung tightly up until my baby’s first birthday. We threw a huge party, as per Lemon and I’s shared Party Animal nature, and invited the whole family and quite a few friends. There were even a few party-crashers!

I had wondered at Honey’s paternity for nearly two years.

I had my answer with one glance at her elfin ears.

I ran over to Lemon and pulled him into an embrace.

“Lemon, baby, Honey’s yours!” I gasped with joy. Lemon laughed softly.

“Silly Cloud,” he said, “she’s always been mine.”

Chapter 3-20: Showdown

As I’d feared, Sharp was waiting for me when I came in. He had noticed I was gone. All Hell was about to break loose. I heard Bayberry ushering the boys out of the living room and into their room in the back.

“Where have you been? No, don’t tell me, I know. You’ve been out with some man, haven’t you? Whore!” He spat.

“After what you did to me, you’re lucky I’m even back here at all!” I snapped back.

“What I did? I took what I’ve been owed ever since we were married. You haven’t let me touch you once, and now I know why. You’ve had a lover the whole time!” He snarled. Then, he raised his hand.

I couldn’t help it. I cringed back in fear, my heart pounding.

The door flew open.

“If you touch her, I’ll kill you.” Lemon snapped, pushing his way between the two of us.

I had told him not to follow me home. Seems he hadn’t listened.

“Let me guess. You’re her boyfriend.” Sharp sneered. “Well, let’s see you make good on that little threat!”

They leapt at each other. In the flurry of blows, I ran into my room and pulled a box out from under the bed. In it was my “insurance policy” against anyone foolish enough to try to hurt me or Bay. I didn’t want to use it, but I would if I had to.

When I got back out, Sharp was standing over Lemon and holding a broken piece of chair leg.

I didn’t think. I fired.

“You bitch!” Sharp shouted. “You shot me!”

I had indeed. I had bought the gun when I moved out, in case Mandarin tried to come back and come after me or Bay. Now I was using it on my own husband.

As he dropped to the floor, the gun slipped from my hands.

Tears began to run down my cheeks.

What had I done?

Lemon walked over and gently pulled me into his arms.

“Shh, Cloudberry, baby,” he whispered. “It’s over. He’s gone. He can’t hurt you again.”

No. No, he can’t. Not me, not anybody.

Chapter 3-19: Truth and Consequences


If the lack of text leads to any confusion, feel free to ask for clarification, but I felt like this chapter was more powerful with just the pictures.

Chapter 3-18: The Reckoning

Cloud has no idea what she’s married. She doesn’t see the evil in her new husband the way I do.

Maybe I’m biased. Maybe it’s just because I think Lemon is amazing, and I saw the way he was looking at my sister the whole time she was getting married…I could see that his heart was breaking. Cloud doesn’t listen to the radio much, so she hasn’t heard his new song. It’s called “Too Late.” I know it’s about her, but she has no idea.

I’d think it was just me…except for the way he treats Citron whenever Cloud’s out. He doesn’t yell at Latte, but that’s probably because Latte’s too young to make him angry yet.

I’d think it was just me…but Citron hates him too.

Cloud doesn’t see the way he looks at me…the way his eyes move up and down my body and make me feel sick to my stomach. He only does it when she’s not around, like now, when she’s taken Citron and Latte out to see how beautiful the park is.

This time, he openly flirts with me. And I flirt back. It’s time Cloud realized what kind of man she married.

When he pulls me close, I don’t object, even though my stomach is churning at the thought of kissing a man I know is a monster and is my older sister’s husband besides.

We finally kiss, and I feel like I’m going to throw up, but I suppress the reflex. I want him to think I want him.

He carries me into the bedroom-my bedroom-with ease. I don’t want to let it get much farther, so I let him kiss me, but I won’t let him pull my clothes off.

I remind myself that I’m doing it for my sister, for my best friend. So that she won’t fall for his lies and his charm-and he has both of those in abundance-anymore.

I can hear her coming up the front stairs.

The reckoning for Sharp is coming.

I make sure to make plenty of noise.

She can’t miss us.

Chapter 3-17: Too Late

I was drawn into the backyard early one morning by the soft sounds of guitar music.

There, his fingers gently caressing the strings, was Lemon. My heart started to pound in my chest. I was in pajamas, my hair was a mess…generally, not in the condition that I would want the guy I’ve been attracted to since high school to see me in…but maybe that was better.

“Lemon! I didn’t know you played, you’re a wonderful musician.” I told him. He turned around and smiled.

“Cloud…you’re exactly the person I wanted to see…” He said. “But I stopped by to pay my respects to Zour. I was on tour for the funeral, I’m sorry I couldn’t make it.”

“On…” I was going to ask him, until we were interrupted by a loud squeal.

“OMB! Lemon Zest?” Bayberry came running over in her pajamas, wide-eyed. “I’m your biggest fan!!” She gasped. Watching my sister flip like this was amusing…but also confusing. “Sis, you never told me you were friends with Lemon Zest!” Then, she paused. “Um, I hate to ask, but my eighteenth birthday is tomorrow…could you come and maybe play a little?”

“For Cloudberry’s sister?” Lemon said. “I’d be glad to.”

“Aieeee! Thank youuu!” Bay squealed.

Five minutes later, she was running off to catch the school bus and Lemon and I were alone again.

“I didn’t know your sister was a fan.” Lemon said, glancing after her.

“I didn’t know you had fans, so I suppose we’re even.” I informed him.

“Oh, I’m the singer in a band, and we’ve kind of had a few lucky breaks and taken off.” Lemon said.

Then, I watched as his entire demeanor changed.

“Cloud, you know I don’t like to beat around the bush, so I’ll tell you why I came here. I wanted to pay my respects to Zour…and to apologize for going after his girl. I don’t really know how long I’ve felt this way, but I know that I realized when we talked at Zour’s wedding how much you had changed…and that I think I might love you.”

The instant he said those words, I turned away and stepped back.

“Lemon, I wish you’d told me this a month ago,” I said weakly. “I’m engaged. I’m getting married tomorrow.” I whispered, no longer able to look him in the eyes as tears welled up in mine.

Here it was, the moment I had been wishing for since high school…and he was too late.

I started bawling, and I found myself gently wrapped in Lemon’s embrace.

“Oh, Cloud,” he murmured, and I wondered if his heart was breaking into as many pieces as mine was.

What I’d told Lemon was true. Sharp Cheddar had proposed to me less than a month before, and we were preparing to have the wedding-on Bay’s eighteenth birthday, at my sister’s insistence. She said that way, we could have one giant party instead of two.

The day after Lemon’s visit, I indeed hosted a party for my wedding and my sister’s birthday. Bayberry grew into a beautiful, confident, flirtatious eighteen-year-old firecracker. She reminded me a lot of myself, actually.

And then, I walked down the aisle for the second time.

This time, my heart was heavy with regrets as I exchanged rings with Sharp and as we shared a kiss. This wasn’t right, I could feel it, but a Dulce doesn’t go back on her promises. I was going to do my best to see this through.

Lemon did, in fact, attend, more for Bayberry’s sake than mine I believe. He performed for us, playing a beautiful song on his guitar.

About halfway thorugh the reception, I had to slip inside and give little Latte a bottle.

Even from in there, I could hear Lemon’s guitar playing. It had become a sad, soft melody that seemed to be the soundtrack to my breaking heart.

Chapter 3-16: Dates and Birthdays

I bought myself a new dress and some cute matching gloves for our little lunch date, and I even tried something new with my hair. I’ve got to say, there’s not much some heavy retail therapy can’t cure. By the time it was done, I was feeling a lot better about just about everything.

Clearly, my new look had its intended effect, since Sharp was pretty blatantly checking me out. That felt extra-good. Realizing that one is a widow at my age…well, I’d been feeling rather old for a while, but Sharp reminded me how young I still was.

We talked and flirted over brunch, and I couldn’t help but feel better and better along the way. Now, I know I wasn’t in love with him, but there’s something magical about feeling…wanted. Desired, really. Sharp was definitely giving me that feeling.

I think that’s why I decided that we just had to part with a little kiss. He certainly didn’t object.

“I’d really like to do this again sometime,” I said, smiling at him.

“Good.” He said. “So would I. And no pretenses. A date from the beginning.”

“Sounds wonderful,” I agreed.

Of course, I had duties as a mother. Citron and Latte’s birthdays were approaching quickly, and my older boy was hitting plenty of milestones. He was taking his first steps and giggling his first words. I was so glad I had such a sweet little toddler to raise!

When their birthday finally came, Bayberry asked if she could help Latte blow out his cake. With all the help she had given me, watching them while I was out and even while I was in, I felt like she deserved to be a part of their celebration. So I said yes.

I wish Latte’s birthday had never come. Seeing him as a toddler was like looking at a smaller version of Zour. All of a sudden, I was stabbed with pangs of guilt. What the hell was I doing, seeing another man when my husband had been dead for such a short time? I felt like some kind of monster!

But I buried those feelings and put on a huge smile for my Citron as I brought him to the second cake.

He had been such a happy baby, but after his birthday, something…changed.

My boy became quieter, more sullen…



Chapter 3-15: Picking Up The Pieces

The tears were still falling a week later as I prepared for Zour’s funeral. Much of the family was coming, to help me grieve for my lost husband.

The Facility had sent his ashes in a small box. Not even really an urn, just a little gray box. I couldn’t let people see that as my monument to my late husband and the father of my two sons, no way.

So, I brought his remains out to the backyard, purchased a headstone, and buried him in his garden. It had been his favorite place while he was alive. Now, he would be able to rest there forever.

You know how they say you don’t know what you have until it’s gone?

I didn’t realize just how much I had loved Zour until his death ripped a gaping hole in my heart.

Maybe that’s why I just couldn’t stop crying. Every time I so much as glanced at his grave, a fresh round of tears would start. How unappreciative had I been? How often had I said “I love you” since we were married? I couldn’t remember saying it to him even once…

“Cloudberry, are you okay?” A voice asked, soft and kind. I looked over. It was Sharp Cheddar, the man my mother had introduced me to at Citron’s birthday party.

“No,” I whispered.

“Come here,” he said, opening his arms.

I fell into them, crying my eyes out. He gently rubbed my back.

“It’s okay, let it out…of course you miss him, of course you’re hurting.” He said. He even reached up and gently stroked my hair, which made me cry harder.

“T-thank you,” I blubbered. I felt horrible for bawling in the arms of a virtual stranger, but he was the only one who had opened his to me. I even forgot how flirtatious he had been at the birthday party. He was a kind soul, and that was all that mattered.

Maybe that’s why I picked up when he called me about a week and a half later.

“Oh, hey Sharp,” I said, taking a look at myself in the hall mirror. Berry, I was an absolute wreck. I’d really let myself go, and there was just no excuse for it.

“Hey Cloud, how are you?” He asked.

“…A lot better,” I conceded. It was true. Having to take care of Citron and Buccelatto (whom I had taken to calling Latte) didn’t leave much time for moping.

“Well, I don’t know if this is too soon or what, but would you like to maybe…meet me for lunch on Saturday at the Bistro?” He asked. There was something sweet and pleading in his tone.

“Sure,” I said.

Zour was dead and buried. I had to get on with my life.

Besides, if I could provide Citron and Latte with a father, wouldn’t it be all the better?

“Wonderful!” Sharp said, sounding thrilled. “See you then!”

Chapter 3-14: Why?

It was a lab accident. Or, at least, that’s what they thought. Zour had been working on some strange project, one that not many others were privy to. Meaning he was sleeping in a tiny little room with a locked door and, as they discovered, he had turned off the sprinkler system. Probably to preserve his data. Well, his damn machine was still standing.


From the scorch marks they’d found, it appeared he had become trapped in a corner by the flames.

Small room, locked door, expanding fire…as you can imagine, it didn’t end all that well for him.

My husband had never gotten any of the calls I made that night. He hadn’t come home….was never coming home.

Zour was dead.

It took all I had in me to continue to hold onto my phone. I wanted to just drop it, step in it, crush it, take out my rage and my pain on the inanimate object through which I was receiving the news. Instead, I just hung up.

Then, I slipped out of the nursery and cried. I cried for my lost husband and for my own broken heart.

But most of all, I cried for Citron and for Buccelatto, who would grow up never knowing their father.

Chapter 3-13: Drifting Apart

Even after we were married, most of the responsibility for little Citron rested on my shoulders.

It felt like…once we were married, Zour just quit trying. He worked most of the day, and if he wasn’t working, he was gardening. I rarely saw my new husband.

I was actually almost shocked to learn that I was carrying again. When had we even had time to make love and make another child…?

It was several weeks before I could corner Zour to tell him.

“Zour, I’m pregnant!” I said, though it was much less enthusiastic than I would have expected.

“That’s nice, honey.” He replied.

He didn’t even look up from his damn book.

What. The. Hell?!

I retreated to the nursery to care for Citron. That was where I ended up spending most of my pregnancy-cut off from my husband and sister, cuddling and loving my son. At least he seemed to appreciate me.

Citron’s first birthday rolled around, and I threw a huge party to welcome in his toddler years.

I had known my baby was going to be a cutie, but not this utterly adorable! Aww!

There was only one person missing from the celebration.


I did meet someone at the party. My mother introduced me to a new employee of hers, Sharp Cheddar.

We talked for a while, and I could tell that he was flirting with me a little bit, but I politely turned him down, reminding him that I was a married mother of one, soon to be two. He sighed and told me it was a waste, then asked where my husband was.

It hurt to know that I couldn’t answer him…

Late that night, after the party guests had cleared out and, thankfully, after Citron was in bed, I want into labor. The pain was excruciating, but this labor was much slower.

This time, I had time to call the taxi, get to the hospital, and leave about fifty frustrated messages on Zour’s cell and office line.

Our son, Buccelatto, was born that night.

Zour never even showed up.

Chapter 3-12: Little Lies

We decided to hold the wedding at the Lemon-Mint Esplanade. We had jokingly discussed marrying at the Laundromat, where we fell in love, but I saw the way the Esplanade looked out onto the river and I knew that was where I wanted to get married.

I’ll be honest, I felt a little guilty wearing white when everyone knew I was no pure, innocent virgin, but hey, the dress looked great on me.

As I stared into Zour’s eyes as we prepared to exchange rings, I knew that I could never regret agreeing to marry him.

We made our vows to each other, promising to be there for rich or for poor, in good times and bad, in sickness and in health, et cetera. I suppose it was a beautiful ceremony, since I could see my mother crying as Zour swept me into his arms for a kiss.

It wasn’t until after the wedding that I noticed him.

It was Lemon, looking as handsome as ever. The minute I laid eyes on him, I realized that I was not over the only boy I had never been able to have.

“H-hey, Lemon,” I said, walking over to him.

“Cloudberry. You look gorgeous. Zour’s a lucky man.” He said. “You’ve changed a lot since high school. Never would have thought the prom queen would marry the school’s biggest geek.”

“Neither would I, to be honest, but we’re in love.” I said firmly. Lemon smiled.

“I can tell. Zour and I have been buddies for a while, and ever since the two of you got together, it’s all he can talk about.” He told me. “I hope you’re serious about him.”

“I’m not the girl I was back in high school.” I told him.

Lie. I was still the girl who was madly in love with the only boy who would never like her back.

That night, when we got home, I think Zour could tell something was wrong, since he did his best to make me forget anyone but him.

And for a while…it worked.